Errores sitio DIAN e Internet Explorer

Varios de los errores del sitio transaccional de la DIAN se corrigen en Internet Explorer utilizando el modo de compatibilidad.


Para activarlo hacer clic en Tools (Alt+x) / seleccionando «Compatibility View settings»



Finalmente agregar el sitio



De la misma manera, se puede quitar de este modo de compatibilidad para solucionar errores en caso de que aparezcan.



Acerca de ricardodiazjimenez

I'm a person of big ambitions, but takes care of small details. As an entrepreneur I have learned to value people that surrounds me and invest in their wealth. Living in a big chaotic city has been an inspiration for ideas to make working from home a viable option. From some years, until now, I have discovered that sharing my knowledge is a way to feel good and at the same time, receive more. I have invested in a headhunting company specialized in information technology, an elearning content production company and an outsourcing administrative services company.
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